
In this Article we discuss about CURD operation with Json file(Web API and Angular). API's created on Dotnet Core side and fronted is Angular Side.

So first understand the logic for this CURD operation we create a json file at run time and perform the operation.

 Architecture of Application Web API 

We are using Clean Architecture. It's mean Your Application divided into some of Part.

  • Presentation Layer
  • Domain Layer
  • Infrastructure Layer
  • Application Layer

All layer using a concept of SOLID principle that's called sepeartion. So now small intro discuss of all these layer.

 Presentation Layer

In this layer, We create the Web API application. that mean front line application.it's perform the HTTP request / response pipe line and return the JSON Object Data.

 Domain Layer

In this layer,We define the entities (Model) so we can map the enterprise logic.

 Infrastructure Layer

In this layer,We manage the Migration of database, Database context and some additional activites like global handling for error and response set of APIs. If any type of custom Middleware and other these type activity perform in layer.

 Application Layer

In this layer, We written all the business logic and also the kept the loosley coupling and fully support the seperation of concern. We create the Interface and Services. Interface using for seperation of concern and it's inject with service in program.cs or startup.cs file in .net for loosley coupling.

Now Discuss about the Json File logic for creating and modifying

 Logic of Json File Creating

below code define the Directory, If File exists it's performe overwrite other it's create the file

 Write Logic

Write Logic

 Read Logic

below code snippt, define the Read Logic with Images Details Type data Model.

Read Logic

If You're want to full code of this Read/ Write Operation Click Here.

Now Discuss About the API's.

 Define the API's

Now we create the all the API's (Create Read Update and Delete from JSON file)

 Add New Object

Create New Object of Image Details Model Type So first we create the Model class file in the domain layer below code snippt

Now we initialize the Service File in Controller below Code Snippt.

 Setup the CORS policy

CORS stand for Cross Origin Resource Sharing. That mean we allows where My Application APIs Access or Where not access. See Full Article

In this application we do two thing for CORS policy.

  1. Register the CORS policy.(Config Service Method in startup class)
  2. Call the Middle for Executing.

see in the below Code.

CORS Register.

Middleware use for applying CORS policy.

Full Code on My Github Account Click Here

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