If You do not know about the What is a website or web development so Don't worry read carefully that end of the post.
Any Website or Web Development mainly Three-phase:-
1. Front End:- HTML, CSS,JavaScript(Validation)
2. Backend:- PHP,ASP.NET,JAVA(JSP),Python
3. Database:-MS SQL, Mysql,SQLite,Orcale.
"A website is a collection of web pages"
Front End:- That means visible(User-interface) content of the web page that called the front end of the website.
Back End:- That means any website on how to perform event or action any by button, image, or other type action or event so that called back end of the website.
Database:- that means what data store through the website and how to maintain that data by a website called website data.
HTML:- HTML stands for HyperText Markup language. That provides only how to data represented on the web page. that means layout design for our content.
CSS:- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. that provides only HTML content designing.
JAVASCRIPT:- Java Script main task the validate the webpage and event performing.
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